Approving Student Bookings

The following bookings will require approval via the Room Bookings module:

  1. Student bookings made for rooms that have been marked as ‘Require Approval’;
  2. All Room Bookings requested within an Events & Trips application via the Student Dashboard.

Bookings that require approval will appear within the main bookings list for review:

Please note: a setting is available to enable a ‘Preliminary Hold on Rooms’. This will allow a provisional booking on rooms that are yet to be approved; see here for further guidance.

  1. Navigate to the ‘List’ view within the Room Bookings module;
  2. Any bookings that require approval will be marked as ‘Not Authorised’ within the status column;
  3. Two additional options will be shown alongside these bookings:
    1. ‘Authorise Booking’ – authorised bookings will officially book the room for that time and be marked as ‘Future’ within the status column, and will be marked as ‘Approved’ within the student dashboard;
    2. ‘Decline Booking’ – declined bookings will be marked as ‘Declined’ within the status column, as well as the student dashboard. Should the above setting be enabled, the provisional booking will be removed from the calendar and timeline views, and the room will become bookable again.

Created on the 1st March 2023