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Creating and Managing Bookings

Creating a Booking

When you first enter the Room Bookings module, you will be presented with a list of all bookings, from where you can create any new bookings.

  1. On SUMS, navigate to the Room Bookings module and select 'Bookings';.
  2. Click Create Booking and enter the following:

    1. Room - begin typing the name of the room that you would like to book and select it from the list.
    2. Start Date - select the date and time that you would like to start the booking.
    3. End Date - select the date and time that you would like the booking to end.
    4. Booking Name – add a name to the booking to appear on calendar views.
    5. Description – add a description or some further information to the booking if required; this information can be found when you go to view a booking, and also within the ‘Timeline’ view.
    6. Has External Speaker? - tick this box if there is an External Speaker that will attend the booking.
    7. External Speaker Description - use this field to enter any relevant information about the External Speaker.
    8. Booking Description - here you can enter details about the booking, such as the purpose for the booking.
    9. No. of Attendees - enter the total number of attendees for the booking.
    10. Booking Type - select what type of booking you are making (see here for further information re. creating ‘Booking Types’)
    11. Recurrences – if the room has been set up to allow recurring events, you will be able to select when you would like your booking to recur, if at all. Select how many times you would like your booking to recur, and whether this is on a daily, weekly or monthly basis; Note: if you attempt to create a recurring booking that exceeds the default set within system configuration, or that of the room itself, you will receive an error message.
    12. Is Private - tick this option if you would like the description of any bookings made for this room to be hidden from those who have not made the booking (both via SUMS and the Student Dashboard);
  3. Once you have completed the form, click Submit.

If you would like to find the bookings for a specific room, you can search it by Room Name or ID in the Filter section of the page.

Cancelling a Booking

Bookings can easily be cancelled and deleted from within the main bookings list, by selecting the red 'Remove' button alongside the relevant booking.

Updated on the 1st March 2023