Creating and Managing Bookings

This guide covers how staff can create a booking within the Room Bookings module.

This guide does not cover how students can submit bookings via the Student Dashboard. Student guidance on room bookings can be found here.

There are various ways in which you can create a booking:

  • Overview tab - Clicking the '+ Create Booking' button
  • Calendar tab - Clicking the '+ Create Booking' button
  • Calendar tab - Clicking into the date you want to make a booking for
  • List tab - Clicking the 'Create Booking' button

When creating your booking, you will need to complete the following information:

  1. Start and end date - if you have selected a date via the calendar, this date will already be pre-populated for you and you will need to select the relevant times
  2. Description - this will be the name of the booking. If you do not enter a description, the booking will simply appear on the calendar with the name of the room
  3. Room - select the room you wish to book. You can select multiple rooms if you wish to book more than 1 room at the same time with the same details, however this booking will not be successful of any of the selected rooms are unavailable
  4. Number of attendees
  5. Type - select the relevant booking type
  6. Activity - select the relevant Activity/Student Group if you are booking on behalf of a group
  7. Recurrence - if you would like to create a recurring booking, select if you would like this to recur on a daily, weekly or monthly basis
  8. Recurrence Amount - if you are setting up a recurrence, enter how often you would like the booking to recur
  9. Has External Speaker? - confirm if the booking involves an external speaker, and enter any relevant information underneath
  10. Is Private? - mark if the booking is private. Private bookings will not show the description (name) of the booking on the calendar, only the name of the room and the booking ID
  11. Extra Information - enter any extra information you would like to note against your booking

Once a booking is created, this will appear on your calendar and timeline view on the relevant date. You will also be able to view your booking within the List tab if needed.

If you need to modify a booking, you can do so by selecting the booking within the calendar or timeline view, or by clicking the 'Modify' button within the List view.

Updated on 11th December 2024