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Calendar and Timeline View

Calendar View

A ‘Calendar’ view is available for all room bookings, within which you can view all of the bookings laid out by day.

The calendar has the ability to show a monthly, weekly or daily view of room bookings, where the user can then click into any bookings on the calendar for further information.

You can filter your bookings to view specific entries based on:

  • Room Name
  • Locations
  • Building Levels
  • Room Type
  • Booking Type
  • Booking Status (including an option to show or hide unavailability periods)
  • Groups

Timeline View

A ‘Timeline’ view is available for all room bookings, within which you can view all bookings and any booking name that has been provided for each booking in a daily, weekly, or monthly view.

The filters from the ‘Calendar’ view work here in the same way.

You can navigate between days using the arrows at the top of the page, or select the ‘Today’ button to quickly view all bookings for the day.

You can also adjust your timeline view by allowing or hiding rooms that do not have any bookings, and selecting whether you want to also view unavailability periods.

Need to quickly view the bookings for a specific date? Select the dropdown menu at the top of the page to select a ‘Calendar Start Date’ and click ‘Go to date’ to view the bookings for that day. Easily navigate between the days, weeks and months around that date to review past or future bookings where needed.

Created on the 1st March 2023