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Within the configuration tab you will find a number of additional details that can be added and modified to assist with your room bookings creation and management, including your room creation, booking types management and room features.


Booking Types

Create types to correctly organise your bookings:

  1. Click ‘Create Booking Type’ and enter the name of the type
  2. Select a colour for the type (and the text) to be shown on the room bookings calendar and timeline
  3. Click 'Submit' to create your booking type

In order for your rooms to be colour coded in your calendar as per the booking type you have selected, you will need to adjust a setting in Configuration to enable this.

This setting can be found under the System Configuration section, under Manage:

You will need to ensure the setting is set to 'Yes' to enable your booking type colours on the calendar and timeline view.

Room Blocking


Here you can set blocks on rooms if you need to prevent any bookings for a certain period of time.

For example, a room may be undergoing maintenance for a few weeks, so you need to block the space so no one can book it until it is ready to be used again.

Take a look at our guidance on blocking out rooms for further information on how to use this feature.



Here you will need to create your rooms before you start taking bookings.

Simply click ‘Create Room’ and enter/select the relevant information for your room.

Some of the information you can select for your rooms can be created via the Configuration tab - these pieces of information have been marked with an asterisk* for reference:

  1. Location*
  2. Levels*
  3. Room Type*
  4. Features*
  5. Require Approval - mark if you require student bookings for this room to be approved (this will not apply to any staff bookings)
  6. Is Private - mark if you would like this room to be private. Private rooms will not be available for students to book via the Student Dashboard
  7. Is on Web - this determines if the room is available for students to book when they make a booking via the Student Dashboard
  8. Setup and Pack down Times - this is simply for reference and displays to students on the Student Dashboard if they book this room. These times do not impact the start and end times of any bookings to account for setup/pack down time
  9. Minimum and Maximum Attendees - bookings attempted that do not fit this criteria will not be successful
  10. Maximum Recurrences - enter the maximum number of times the room can be booked as a recurrence
  11. Requires Extra Information
  12. Can book multiple times in the same slot
  13. Send Custom Email - mark if you would like to send a custom email to a student upon booking this room, and enter the relevant content
  14. Additional Information - any additional information will be shown to students on the Student Dashboard if they book this room
  15. Image - upload an image of the room for reference (this is only available for staff when they view the details of a room)
  16. Document- upload a document if needed, such as a floor plan (this is only available for staff when they view the details of a room)

The details of a room can be modified at any point. If you modify the setup/pack down times or enter any additional information, these updates will feed through to the Student Dashboard and update any bookings already made by students for that room.


You can create locations to record where each of your rooms are held.

This is an optional addition when creating your rooms, but if you would like to log locations against your rooms, simply click 'Create Location' and enter a name.

You can create, modify, and remove locations at any point. If you remove a location, this will also be removed from any rooms where this location was assigned.

When students submit a Smart Booking via the Student Dashboard, they will also be able to select a preferred location. The Smart Booking will then only take into account and book a room that is held within that location.


You can create levels to record where your rooms are held in relation to building levels, i.e. the ground floor, first floor etc...

This is an optional addition when creating your rooms, but if you would like to log building levels against your rooms, simply click 'Create Level' and enter a name.

You can create and modify levels at any point - you can also archive a level if needed. If you archive a level, this will be marked as 'Archived' and you will not be able to select the level when creating or modifying a room. Archiving a level will not remove it from any rooms where this level was assigned.

Room Types

You can create room types to record what type of space each of your rooms are.

This is an optional addition when creating your rooms, but if you would like to select a room type when creating your rooms, simply click 'Create Room Type' and enter a name.

You can create, modify, and remove room types at any point. If you remove a room type, this will also be removed from any rooms where this type was assigned.

When students submit a Smart Booking via the Student Dashboard, they will also be able to select a preferred room type. The Smart Booking will then only take into account and book a room of that type.


You can create features to add to your rooms to confirm what equipment is available within each of your rooms.

You can use this to record and add equipment and features such as whiteboards, projectors or TV screens.

This is an optional addition when creating your rooms, but if you would like to add features to your rooms, simply click 'Create Features' and enter a name.

You can create, modify, and remove features at any point. If you remove a feature, this will also be removed from any rooms where it was assigned.

When students submit a Smart Booking via the Student Dashboard, they will also be able to select what features and equipment they require in their room. The Smart Booking will then only take into account and book a room where these features are assigned.

System Configuration

Here you will be able to access the additional settings available for the Room Bookings module:


  • Image Height - enter the maximum height of images uploaded when creating rooms (in pixels)
  • Image Width - enter the maximum width of images uploaded when creating rooms (in pixels)


  • View Description on SUMS - determine whether the description of a booking will be displayed on the bookings calendar on SUMS
  • View Description on Student Dashboard - determine whether the description of a booking will be displayed on the bookings calendar within the Student Dashboard


  • Booking Calendar Custom Colours - determine whether you wish your bookings to be colour coded on your calendar, as per the booking types that are assigned to them

Recur Allowance

  • Daily - set the maximum number of daily recurrences that you would like to allow
  • Weekly- set the maximum number of weekly recurrences that you would like to allow
  • Monthly- set the maximum number of monthly recurrences that you would like to allow

You can set maximum recurrences against individual rooms, if you require these to be less than the figures you determine here.

  • Preliminary Hold on Rooms - determine if you would like a temporary hold to be put on a room where there is a pending request from a student made via the Student Dashboard. This will not allow a booking to be made for that room until the booking is declined or cancelled.

Created on 11th December 2024