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Room and Booking Types, Features, Building Levels and Locations

You can add room types, locations and building levels to assign to your rooms when creating them. Members can then filter available rooms by their type and location if they need when making a booking via the Student Dashboard.

  1. On SUMS, navigate to the Room Bookings module and click Rooms;
  2. Click on Room Types/Locations/Levels on the toolbar on the top right-hand side of the page;
  3. Click the Create button for whatever you are wanting to add;
  4. Enter the name of the Room Type/Location/Level you would like to add and press Submit;
  5. Each of these can be Modified or Deleted after being submitted by clicking on the corresponding blue or red button, on the right-side of the screen.

These can then be selected when creating a room.


Features are items that can be assigned to a room during creation, such as a projector, TV screen, conference phone etc…

Members can select what features they require when making a ‘Smart Booking’ via the Student Dashboard, ensuring only rooms with those features assigned to them will be considered.

  1. Within the Room Bookings module select Features;
  2. Click Create Feature, enter a name and click Submit to save the feature;
  3. As above, each feature can be Modified or Deleted at any time.

Booking Types

You can create ‘Booking Types’ to further categorise your Room Bookings. For example, you may wish to set preferences you wish to assign to your booking, or add a number of events/purposes for people to select from.

  1. Under the ‘Bookings’ page within the ‘Room Bookings’ module, click ‘Booking Types’ at the top of the page;
  2. Select ‘Create Booking Type’ and enter the name;
  3. Select the Colour and Test Colour of the booking type (this option can be enabled in System Configuration);
  4. Once submitted, all of your ‘Booking Types’ will be listed on this page for you to ‘Modify’ or ‘Remove’ at any time.

Updated on 1st March 2023