System Configuration & Permissions

Please see below for a list of the permissions available for this module and their functions:

  • [Room Bookings] Dashboard – this allows users access to the main room bookings dashboard, including the calendar and timeline views.

Please note: this is the primary room booking permissions that is required in order to gain access to any other areas within the module. Please ensure all users who require access to any areas of the module also hold this permission.

  • [Room Bookings] Bookings - this allows users to access and create bookings. This also allows users to approve or decline any bookings that require review.
  • [Room Bookings] Room Booking Cancellation – this allows users to cancel any bookings.
  • [Room Bookings] Locations – this allows users to create and modify locations.
  • [Room Bookings] Types - this allows users to create and modify booking types.
  • [Room Bookings] Deleted Room Bookings - this allows users to view any deleted bookings.
  • [Room Bookings] Building Levels - this allows users to create and modify building levels.

There are various settings available for you to customise your room bookings process to suit your Union (these can be found under the ‘Room Bookings’ dropdown within System Configuration). Please see below for a list of settings available and their functions:


  • Image Height and Width – enter (in pixels) the size parameters for adding images during room creation.


  • View Description on SUMS select whether you wish for the description of bookings to be viewable on the calendar within the Room Bookings module.
  • View Description on Student Dashboard select whether you wish for the description of bookings to be viewable on the calendar within the Student Dashboard module.


  • Booking Calendar Custom Colours – select whether you wish users to be able to set custom colours for booking types.

Recur Allowance

  • This setting can be used to set maximum allowances for daily, weekly and monthly booking recurrences.

Preliminary Hold on Rooms – set whether you want a temporary block to be held on rooms where a booking submitted via the Student Dashboard is yet to be approved.

Provisional bookings will appear within the Calendar and Timeline views as a standard booking. Unless that booking is then deleted or declined, no other bookings within that timeframe for that room can be submitted by students or staff.

Updated on 1st March 2023