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Setting Un-availability Periods

How do I log recurring unavailability for a room?

  1. Under 'Bookings', select 'Rooms';
  2. Click the orange 'Room Blocking' button for the relevant room;
  3. Select the day required to block out the room (to recur weekly);
  4. Tick the 'All Day' box if the room is to be unavailable for the whole day (this will run from 00:00 to 23:59);
  5. or you can set the specific time parameters for when the room needs to be blocked out;

Note: If you submit unavailability for a room running from 00:00 - 23:00 or later, the entry will show as 'Unavailable All Day' when submitted.*

  1. Click 'Submit' and the entry will be listed below, in addition to being greyed out within the calendar and timeline views;
  2. Click the red 'Remove' button alongside the entry to delete it;
  3. To remove all unavailability entries, select the orange 'Clear Room Reservations' button.

If a member of staff or a student attempts to book a room within the parameters you have set, a notification will appear upon submission confirming that the room is not available and that they will need to adjust their booking.

How do I log a room as unavailable for a single block of time?

This feature can be used to block out a room for an extended period of time, such as over a few days to facilitate a conference.

  1. Under 'Bookings', select 'Rooms';
  2. Click on 'Room Blocking';
  3. Select 'Create Time Period' then add the:

    1. Room;
    2. Start Date;
    3. End Date;
  4. Click 'Submit'.

Each Time Period can be Modified or Deleted after being submitted by clicking on the corresponding blue or red button on the right side of the screen.

If you would like to find out if a specific room is not available, you can search it by Room Name or System ID in the Filter section of the page.

If you would like to find out if a specific room is not available, you can search for it by its System ID or Name via the filters available within the Calendar and Timeline views.

Updated on the 1st March 2023