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How does the signing in process work?

Signing-In Guidance - Registering

When signing in for the first time, the individual will need to register first:

  1. Select ‘Haven’t signed in before? Register here.
  2. Enter your full name (required)
  3. Enter your number (required)
  4. Enter your email address
  5. Select your ‘Type’ ie. Contractor, SU Staff etc…
  6. Agree to the disclaimer
  7. Click ‘Submit

After registering, the system will automatically sign you into the venue.


To sign in when you enter a venue:

  1. Select ‘Visited before? Sign in here.
  2. Enter your first name and number (the system will match the rest of your data from when you registered)
  3. Agree to the disclaimer
  4. Click ‘Submit

The sign-in page has a 60-second timer; after this it will take you back to the initial page.

Signing Out

To sign out when you leave a venue:

  1. Select ‘Leaving us so soon? Sign out here.
  2. Enter your first name and number
  3. Click ‘Submit

Forgotten to Sign Out?

If you have left a venue and forgotten to sign out:

  1. The visitor will receive an automatic email at 7pm with a link for them to follow to sign themselves out remotely
  2. If the visitor does not sign out this way either, the system will automatically sign them out at 5am the next day

How do I see who has signed into one of my buildings?

  1. To see information from all visits to your venues, go ‘Reception’ and then ‘Visits’. Here you will see a list of all of the visits to your venues; there is an entry for each visit, not each individual
  2. The information you will see listed is:
    • Type
    • Name
    • Signed in at
    • Signed out at
    • System Sign Out
      • Yes - automatically signed out at 5am
      • No - manually signed out or via link sent at 7pm
    • Disclaimer (Yes or No)

How do I create a new device for someone to sign-in on?

You may want to add a new device e.g. a new iPad at a new entrance to your building. To add a device to have the signing-in function:

  1. Select the green ‘Visitor Devices’ button on the right
  2. Select the green ‘Create Device’ button
  3. Enter the name of the new Device
  4. Click ‘Submit

To delete a device, select the red ‘Remove’ button on the right hand side of the relevant device.

How do I set up the front side of the sign-in system on an iPad?

Once you have added your device onto your SUMS Dashboard, there are two ways in which you can access the front end of the sign-in system on your chosen device:

Via your computer:

  1. Make sure you’re on the ‘Visitor Devices’ page
  2. Find the relevant device and click the blue ‘Go’ button – this will take you to the initial sign-in page
  3. Copy the web address for this page and enter it onto your chosen device via Chrome/Internet Explorer etc…
  4. You will then have your sing-in page on your chosen device

Via the device you are using:

  1. Login to your SUMS Dashboard on your relevant device
  2. Navigate to the ‘Visitor Devices’ page as per the above
  3. Find the relevant device and click the blue ‘Go’ button, and this will take you to the initial sign-in page

How do I create a new visitor type?

You may have a number of different categories of visitors to your building e.g. staff, contractors, other visitors. You can add another visitor type by:

  1. Select the blue ‘Visitor Types’ button on the right
  2. Select the green ‘Create Visitor Type’ button
  3. Enter the name of the new Visitor Type
  4. Click ‘Submit

To delete a Visitor Type, select the red ‘Remove’ button on the right hand side of the relevant type.

How do I add a disclaimers

You may want to add a disclaimer e.g. to ask someone to sign to say they have sanitised their hands using the hand sanitiser provided and that they will undertake social distancing. If you want to do this:

  1. Select the orange ‘Visitor Disclaimers’ button on the right
  2. Select the green ‘Create Disclaimer’ button
  3. Enter the name and the contents of the Disclaimer
  4. Click ‘Submit

All information obtained via the Singing-In System is pulled into the reporting system for Test and Trace.

Updated on 25th of September 2020