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How do I create Allergens and assign them to products?

  1. Under 'Products', select 'Allergens'
  2. Click '+Add' to add as many allergens as required.

To modify the name of an allergen, click 'Configure' to amend the name and then 'Save'.

Once you have created your Allergens, you will need to assign them to your Sale Units within the Zone.

  1. Within your relevant Zone, select ‘Sale Units’
  2. Create or Modify a Sale Unit;
  3. Scroll down the ‘Allergens’ and move the relevant options over to the ‘Chosen Allergens’ box.

Note: If an allergen has been synced through SUMS, the allergen name can only be modified via SUMS and not on the Student Orders management system.

If a product has been synced through SUMS, any assigned allergens must be updated via SUMS and not on the Student Orders management system.

Updated 24th March 2022