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Condiment Groups

How do I create a Condiment Group?

  1. Under ‘Products’, go to condiments;
  2. Click the ‘Add+’ button to create a condiment group and enter:
    1. Name;
    2. The Minimum & maximum number of choices permitted per customer;
    3. Search for the products to add to the group (this dropdown is a multi-select search – a search item must be entered for the product to show for selection);
  3. Click ‘Save’;

How do I modify a Condiment Group?

  1. Find the correct group within the ‘Condiments’ section;
  2. Select ‘Configure’;
  3. Modify the information as needed and click ‘Save’.

Note: Condiment groups created via the SUMS dashboard cannot be modified via the Student Orders Management Portal. They will be shown under ‘Product’ but will not be available for configuration.

Created on 5th March 2021