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How do I add a product?

To add a product, this must be done via the SUMS Dashboard, a guide for which can be found:

  1. Support
  2. Guides
  3. Select ‘EPOS’ from the menu on the left hand side
  4. Then select ‘Products
  5. Then select ‘Adding a New Product

Note: Products should automatically update on the Student Orders app when added or removed via the SUMS Dashboard and you should be able to process them as normal.

If you encounter any problems with this please submit a Support Ticket via [email protected].

How do I remove/deactivate a product?

To do this via the SUMS Dashboard:

  1. Go to ‘EPOS’.
  2. Select ‘Zones’.
  3. Select the green button to the right hand side of your chosen venue to ‘Enter Zone’.
  4. Select ‘Products’.
  5. Find the product from the list and select the blue ‘Modify’ button on the right hand side.
  6. Scroll down and de-select the ‘Active’ tick box to deactivate the product.

To do this via the Student Orders Dashboard:

  1. Click ‘Manage Venues’ at the top of the Student Orders dashboard.
  2. Find the product and select ‘Inactive’ from the blue drop down menu on the right.
  3. Select ‘Remove’ if you would like to permanently remove this from your venue.

How do I change a venue’s status?

  1. Click ‘Manage Venues’ at the stop of the Student Orders dashboard.
  2. On the right hand side go to ‘Update Venue Status
  3. Select either ‘Active’, ‘Inactive’ or ‘Remove’ from the drop down menu.

How do I change the price of a product?

  1. This must be done via the SUMS Dashboard.
  2. Go to ‘EPOS’.
  3. Select ‘Zones’.
  4. Select the green button to the right hand side of your chosen venue to ‘Enter Zone’.
  5. Select ‘Products’.
  6. Find the product from the list and select the blue ‘Modify’ button on the right hand side.
  7. Scroll down to box marked ‘Full Price’ and enter the desired value.
  8. Scroll down to ‘Prices’ and in the ‘App’ price tier, add your price values.
  9. Once changed, scroll down to the bottom of the page and click ‘Submit’.

How do I view and complete an order?

  1. Click ‘Orders’ at the top of the Student Orders dashboard.
  2. Go to ‘Filter by Status’ and select ‘Pending’ from the dropdown menu.
  3. Find the correct order and select ‘View’.
  4. Select ‘Complete Order’.
  5. Click ‘Archive’ to remove from pending orders.

How do I mark an order for delivery or collection?

  1. Click ‘Orders’ at the top of the Student Orders dashboard.
  2. Go to ‘Filter by Status’ and select ‘Pending’ from the dropdown menu.
  3. Find the correct order and select ‘View’.
  4. Select ‘Collected’ or ‘Delivered’.
  5. Click ‘Archive’ to remove from pending orders.

Updated on 5th November 2021