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Home Screen Customisation

You can now fully customise your Students’ Union App home screen via SUMS!

Go to the ‘Students’ Union App’ module and select ‘Management’ - you will see a direct reflection of your current app home screen for you to modify.

Note: Please ensure you click the ‘Update’ button if you make any changes to your home screen. No changes will be saved unless this has been selected.

How do I add a new tile?

  1. To add a new tile, scroll to the bottom of the screen and click the ‘+Add’ button;
  2. Enter the following to build your tile (mandatory fields are identified by an asterix):
    1. Title* (name of the tile, such as ‘Elections’);
    2. Subtitle* (additional text to be shown on the tile, such as ‘Tap here to vote in our elections!’);
    3. Select an appropriate icon* from the dropdown menu;
    4. Select the size* of the tile (full or half size);
    5. Enter the URL of a background image you may require for the tile;
    6. Select a background colour for your tile;
    7. Select a title colour;
    8. Select a subtitle colour;
    9. Navigation* - select whether you would like the tile to:
      • Navigate to a specific area of the app;
      • Link to a URL (such as a page on your SU website).
  3. Click ‘Submit’ to add your new tile to the home screen – it will automatically be added in the next available slot.

How can I change the layout of the tiles on the screen?

To move your tiles around and adjust the layout of your screen, simply select a tile and hold down to move it to the required slot on the screen.

How do I remove an existing tile?

To remove a tile, click the white ‘Remove’ icon on the relevant tile.

A pop-up will show asking you to confirm that you would like to delete the tile.

Created on 22th February 2022