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Introduction to the SUggestions Module

What can we use SUggestions for?

In the SUggestions module, you are able to administrate all submissions from students that come in via the SUggestions section on your organisational website. The purpose of SUggestions is to act upon student feedback and needs which focus on improving the student experience as a whole.

These submissions should be reviewed and approved/disapproved to ensure that they do not breach the governance in place, for example not directly referring to staff members, or going against University/Union regulations. All SUggestions should follow the processes in place and eventually (if passed by the student body) be assigned to Sabbatical Officers who can work on the proposal.

The subsections available within the module, directly link to your organisational website and allow Sabbatical Officers and staff to facilitate the progress of the submission from start to finish.

Please note that the terminology used within this guide can directly link to the governance and processes of the relevant organisation.

How does it work?

The SUggestions module is divided into several key areas in order for submissions to be appropriately navigated via the system.

These sections are:

  • All Suggestions - An overview of all SUggestions submitted and their current phase within the process.
  • Staff Review - The first stage of any newly submitted SUggestion, during which staff member can approve a submission and push this to ‘CEO Review’.
  • CEO Review - Allows for any moderation at CEO level before any further progress (e.g. to ensure all suggestions are legal)
  • Pres/Chair Review - The stage in which a submission may be accepted or declined in line with the governance in place, this decision is made by SU President or nominated Sabbatical Lead and the Union Chair/chair of council usually.
  • Assign Student Leader - Following voting, an approved submission can be assigned to the relevant Sabbatical Officer.
  • Re-Assign Student Leader - Adjust which Sabbatical Officer is assigned to an SUggestion.
  • On Hold - Any submissions that may be of interest in the future are to be moved within this subsection.
  • Trustee Review - Students’ Union Trustees are able to review selected suggestions in line with the governance in place.
  • Comment Moderation - Comments under SUggestions on the website can be reviewed.
  • Feedback - Sabbatical Officers are able to submit written feedback on their assigned SUggestions which will then be displayed on the website.
  • Completion - A full list of completed suggestions

Updated on 7th of October 2020