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Extra Capture Fields

For some of your products, you may need to request certain information before they can be purchased. For example, a member may wish to purchase a ticket for an event for which you would require their contact details, or dietary requirements if catering is being provided:

First, you will need to create your categories, such as 'Catering', 'Additional Information' etc...

  1. Within 'System Configuration', select 'Capture Fields';
  2. Click 'Categories' and select 'Create Category';
  3. Name your new category and click 'Submit' to save.

You can then go ahead and start creating your Extra Capture Fields to assign to products:

  1. Navigate back to the main 'Capture Fields' page and click 'Create Field' to enter the following:

    1. Enter the name of the field, such as 'Contact Number';
    2. Select the 'Type' of field:

      1. Alphanumeric;
      2. Letters only (please use this field type for information that will not contain any special characters or space);
      3. Numbers only;
      4. Dropdown (you will need to enter your options within the ‘Value’ box);
      5. Email (please use this field type as opposed to the original ‘Text’ field to request purchaser email addresses)
      6. Anything (please use this field type for information that will not fall into the other field options, including if special characters and/or spaces may be required)
    3. Select whether the field will be 'Required' when added to a product;

    4. Enter a 'Minimum' and 'Maximum' value if relevant;
    5. If you have selected the dropdown field, add the options into the ‘Values’ box (ensure each option is listed on a new line);
    6. Select whether you would like the capture field to be ‘Visible to Students’ to select when submitting product applications via the student dashboard.

Adding Extra Capture Fields to Products

Once created, you can assign any of these additional capture fields to your products during creation:

  1. Navigate to the 'EPOS' module and select 'Zones';
  2. Select 'Enter Zone' for the relevant zone;
  3. Click 'Products' and 'Modify' the relevant product;
  4. Scroll down to 'Extra Capture Fields' and move over whichever fields you require for that product.

Updated on 9th February 2023