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How do I scan people into one of our bars?

The Kiosk Method

The kiosk method enables you to scan both students and members of the public into any of your venues.

  1. To access the Kiosk module, follow ‘Track & Trace’ and then click ‘kiosks’
  2. To create a Kiosk select the ‘Create Kiosk’ button to make a new kiosk
  3. Add the name of your Kiosk in the top bar
  4. Select the zone(s) for you Kiosk
  5. From here, you can enter the zone by clicking the blue arrow. This will take you to an interface to enter the details of members or any non-SU members/members of the public that have visited
  6. Scan member card OR type the card ID
  7. Click Submit
  8. Once entered, they will be matched within SUMS with the member details (including their phone number) already in your data.
  9. Complete the details of non-SU members/members of the public - Name (required), Phone number (required under PHE), Email (if applicable)
  10. Click Submit
  11. You will see an entry list of everyone who has attended your venue and when they attended below

This information will also be pulled into the reporting system in Stage 6

If you require further guidance on how to create and manage your zones, a guide is available via:

  1. ‘Help’
  2. ‘Guides’
  3. ‘EPOS’
  4. ‘Zone Management’

How can the committee of a group register who has attended an event?

Student Events Attendance

Committee Members with the correct permissions can add attendees to their events via the student dashboard.

  1. To access Current Events, go to ‘Events & Trips’ and then navigate to the ‘Current Events & Trips’ tab
  2. To add an SU member attendee, select the relevant Event
  3. Select ‘Add Member’
  4. Enter the member’s name
  5. Click ‘Submit’
  6. To add a non-SU member/member of the public attendee, select the relevant Event;
  7. Select ‘Add Public’
  8. Enter the attendee’s name and telephone (and email if deemed necessary)
  9. Click ‘Submit’
  10. At the end of the session, the committee member must click ‘Commit’ to signify no further students attended

The committee member is able to continuously add attendees throughout the course of their session should members arrive late.

I want committees to be able to register their members attendance at an event which hasn’t been put through SUMS

This is an optional feature so please let SUMS know if you would like this enabling for you. 

  1. To access Current Events, go to ‘Events & Trips’ and then navigate to the ‘Current Events & Trips’ tab
  2. Select ‘new event’, and name your event and when it ends
  3. To add an SU member attendee, select the relevant Event
  4. Select ‘Add Member’
  5. Enter the member’s name
  6. Click ‘Submit’
  7. To add a non-SU member/member of the public attendee, select the relevant Event
  8. Select ‘Add Public’
  9. Enter the attendee’s name and telephone (and email if deemed necessary)
  10. Click ‘Submit’
  11. At the end of the session, the committee member must click ‘Commit’ to signify no further students attended

If you require further guidance on how to create and manage your events, a guide is available on the SUMS Dashboard via:

  1. ‘Help’
  2. ‘Guides’
  3. ‘Events’

Again, this information is pulled into the reporting system in Stage 6.

I want the Track & Trace system to pull in anyone that attends an SU event (non-group based)

**General Events attendance **

The system will log (as normal) anyone who signs into an event via the door entry system. 

I want the Track & Trace system to pull in anyone who enters the building

The Sign-In System

This system enables you to sign in staff, contractors or visitors (or other named groups required) to sign into and out of your building.

Please see the SUMS Guidance for the Signing-In System for further details.

Again, all information obtained via the Signing-In System is pulled into the reporting system in Stage 6.

I want the Track & Trace system to pull in student details from Student Orders and Bar sales

Student Orders & Bar Sales

Whenever a member has ordered through the Student Orders app, SUMS will record:

  • The details of the member (including email)
  • Which venue and/or kiosk they ordered from
  • Whether they ordered at the bar or at a table
  • The table number if they ordered from a table

It will also log who has purchased items at the bar and what table they are sat on, if you are using the SUMS EPOS system.

Again, this information is pulled into the reporting system in Stage 6.

I need to pull out a report of where someone has been after they reported symptoms or diagnosis of Covid-19

**The Reporting System **

A Reporting System has been designed which allows you to search an individual member, venue/kiosk or event to obtain the information of all relevant visitors that need to be contacted should you need to enable your Test and Trace procedure.

  1. To access the reporting system via the SUMS Dashboard, go to ‘Track & Trace’ and navigate to ‘Reports’
  2. You must enter a date and time paramater at the top of the screen within which to create the report. You are then able to enter a number of different parameters from which to report

You can search for an individual using their:

  • Member ID (if applicable)
  • First & last name
  • Phone number
  • Email address

Or, you can search via a number of Zones (established from the ‘Kiosk’ method), Venues, Events and Groups (hereby referred to as ‘Areas’):

  • Zones - tick the Zone required
  • Venue - select the Venue required
  • Groups - select the correct Group from the drop down menu
  • Activity - enter the Event ID number; if more than one event is required, enter the ID’s as follows: 1010, 1020, 1030…

Once your search parameters have been entered, select ‘Search’ and a report will be created in the form of an Excel Spreadsheet, which will consist of 3 Key Stages (3 separate sheets).

If you have searched via an individual the sheets will show the following:

  • Sheet 1 – will be blank
  • Sheet 2 – will show the details of the individual and all of the areas they had attended within the search parameters
  • Sheet 3 – will show the details of all other individuals who also attended the same areas

If you have searched via an area(s), the sheets will show the following:

  • Sheet 1 – the details of the individuals attending that area(s) within the search parameters
  • Sheet 2 – the details of where the individuals in Sheet 1 will have also been
  • Sheet 3 – the details of the individuals in Sheets 1 & 2, plus that of those they may have been in contact with:
    • Details of individuals who attended the same venue as the person with Covid-19 +10/-10 minutes after them
    • Details of individuals who have ordered to their table within 30 minutes before or after the person with Covid-19 arrived
    • Details of individuals who have been to the same group event as them
    • Details of individuals who have been to the same SU event as them

Updated on 14th of September 2020