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I want to add custom Banners to the website…

Through this section of the Website Module, you can add content to image carousels without needing to consult your Web Developer.

  • Navigate to the ‘Banners’ tab of the Website Module.
  • Firstly, create Locations for the Banners within your website by clicking ‘+Locations’.
  • Enter the Location Name and Location Short Name for the Location.
  • If you would like there to be a delay between carousel slides, tick the Delays box, and enter the Delay Time in seconds.
  • Enter the properties you wish to be set for Banners in this Location, the Image Width, Image Height and Maximum File Size.
  • Click ‘Submit’.
  • Within a Location, click ‘+Banner’. Here, you can also view active Banners, and any that have expired.
  • Enter the Name of the Banner, Start/Expiry Date and Preference Order (if you have a selection of 5 of Banners, the one you wish to show first would be set to a Preference Order of 1).
  • Choose the file to upload for the Banner Image, within the restrictions set when creating the Location.
  • If required. Enter the Hyperlink URL for the Banner image. For example, if you set a Banner for Freshers Week, you could set a URL to direct to a specific page about these events.
  • If you would like the URL to open a new window when clicked, tick the New Window box.
  • Click ‘Submit’.

I want to add Minutes from a meeting to the website…

  • Firstly, navigate to the ‘Minute Types’ tab of the Website Module.
  • Click the green ‘Create Minutes Types’ button in the top-right hand corner.
  • Enter the Name (e.g. Executive Committee), and Order of the Minute Type to appear on your website.
  • Click ‘Submit’.
  • Navigate to the ‘Minutes’ tab of the Website Module.
  • Click the green ‘Create Minutes’ button in the top-right hand corner.
  • Select the Type, from the Minutes Types you created in the previous steps.
  • Enter the Title, for example the date of the meeting.
  • Enter the Google Analytics Tag, if applicable.
  • Select the Meeting Date using the date picker.
  • Select the Publish Date and Publish Time for the minutes to go live.
  • Select the Expiry Date and Expiry Time, if you would like them to be taken down from the website at a particular time.
  • Upload the Minutes and click ‘Submit’.

I want to set up Awards for students to nominate for…

Using this part of the Website Module, you can set up Awards for students to submit nominations for, on your website.

  • Navigate to the ‘Awards Entries’ tab within the Website Module.
  • Click the green ‘Create Award’ button in the top-right hand corner.
  • Enter the Name of the Awards, e.g. "Union Awards 2020”.
  • Click ‘Submit’.
  • Next to the Awards, click the blue ‘Award Options’ button. Here, you can create individual awards for students to submit nominations for.
  • Click the green ‘Create Option’ button.
  • Enter the Name of the Award, e.g. “Sports Team of the Year Award”.
  • Enter a Description of the Award to give context on the Award.
  • Click ‘Submit’ and create as many Awards as required.
  • On the main Awards page, you can click the green ‘Export as Excel’ button to view all of the submitted nominations.

Updated on 1st February 2021