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I want to upload minutes onto my organisational website

  1. In SUMS, navigate to the ‘website’ tab in the grey side bar and click ‘minutes’
  2. Select the green ‘Create Minutes’ button on the top right hand side of the page.
  3. Select the relevant minutes category within the ‘Type’ dropdown, please note that these should be pre-created categories, for instance ‘Executive Committee’.
  4. Enter the title of the minutes to be displayed on the website.
  5. Add a Google Analytics tag which will appear when a document is searched, for example ‘Exec 01012020’. Please note, this can be anything.
  6. Select the date during which the meeting took place.
  7. Select a date for the minutes to be released (optional).
  8. Select a time for the minutes to be released (optional).
  9. Select the expiry date in which the minutes should be removed from the website (optional).
  10. Select the expiry time in which the minutes should be removed from the website (optional).
  11. Drag and drop the file within the bottom field; please note that this must be in a PDF format.
  12. Select the ‘Submit’ button.

I want to create different types of minutes

  1. In SUMS, navigate to the ‘website’ tab in the grey side bar and click ‘minute types’
  2. Select the green ‘create minutes types’ button in the top right hand side of the page
  3. Name your minute type e.g. Executive Committee Meetings
  4. Choose a number for the order of the minutes. This demotes the order they will appear on the page e.g. if you have Executive Committee Meetings as Order 1, you may have ASM minutes as Order 2.
  5. Click submit

Updated on 30h of September 2020