Upload News Story

  • Navigate to the ‘News’ tab under the Website module.
  • Firstly, you will need to create a Category for the News Story to be put into.
  • Click the ‘+Category’ button in the top-right hand corner.
  • Enter the Name and URL Name of the News Category. When you begin to create more categories, you can select a Parent category, as an overarching category from the drop-down menu.
  • Click ‘Submit’.
  • Click the ‘+News’ button in the top-right hand corner.
  • Enter the Title for the News Story, this is the title that will appear at the top of the News Story and on any pages linking to it.
  • Enter a URL Name, which is usually a short few words relating to the story. This is what will appear at the end of the web address link, for example if you enter “ExampleStory” as the URL Name, the web page would be https://lincolnsu.com/news/article/ExampleStory.
  • Add a Thumbnail to appear where the News Story is linked, and an Image, which will appear as the banner at the top of the page. Note: the images uploaded must be the size specified.
  • Enter a Tagline and Blurb, which will appear underneath the Title within the article.
  • Enter the main Body of the story. It is easiest to write the story in a separate document, as when it is pasted into this section, it will appear in source format. Click the ‘Source’ button to show the raw text.
  • You can edit the format of the text in this section, for example creating bold text, different fonts and headers.
  • To check how this will appear, tick the ‘Active’ box in the Publishing section. Set the Start Date as the present date and time, and the End Date as a point in the future.
  • Click ‘Submit’ (do not select a Category just yet).
  • Open a tab in your web browser and type in your website URL, followed by /news/article/yourstoryURL. Note: your story is not yet visible on the website to anyone who does not have the direct link.
  • If you are happy with your News Story, go back into SUMS and click ‘Modify’ to add in the category of the News Story.
  • Once you have selected the relevant Categories, your News Story will go live on your website in these places.

Updated on 8th June 2020