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I want to add a Page to the website…

  • Navigate to the ‘Pages’ tab under the Website module.
  • Click ‘Create Page’ button in the top-right hand corner.
  • Enter the Page Title and Page URL.
  • Select whether you would like the Page to be tied to an Group from the drop-down menu, otherwise leave set to ‘No Group'.
  • Select a Page Template from the drop-down, for example if the Page is a section or header.
  • Select whether you would like the Page to be permanent using the tick box.
  • Set a Start and Expiry Date for the Page.
  • You can also set a re-direct here, if you want to send this webpage to another URL. Click the Re-direct tick box and enter the URL to send it to.
  • Enter the main Page Content. It is easiest to write this in a separate document, as when it is pasted into this section, it will appear in source format. Click the ‘Source’ button to show the raw text.
  • You can edit the format of the text in this section, for example creating bold text, different fonts and headers.
  • Enter the Page Key Image URL, which is the image to appear as the main image for the page.
  • Select the Page Parent Section if you would like your new Page to sit within another section.
  • Enter a Page Class if required.
  • Enter any Page Widgets. Please email the Support Desk at [email protected] if you require further assistance with Widgets.
  • Click ‘Submit’.

Updated on 1st February 2021