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I want to add a Section to the website…

  • Navigate to the ‘Sections’ tab under the Website module.
  • Click the green ‘Create Section’ button in the top-right hand corner.
  • Enter the Name of the Section, for example “About Your SU”.
  • Enter the Parent Category, which can be one of the other Sections you have created.
  • Enter the name of the Icon for this section, which is dependent on which Icon font you use on your website.
  • Enter the URL of the section after your main webpage URL, for this example if you enter “about-your-SU”, the end URL would be
  • Click ‘Submit’.

I want to add sub-section within the website…

  • Navigate to the ‘Section Items’ tab under the Website module.
  • Click the green ‘Create Section Item’ button in the top-right hand corner.
  • Enter the Name of the sub-section.
  • Select which Section you would like this to sit in.
  • Enter the URL of the sub-section.
  • Select whether you would like a Download Icon to show next to the sub-section, for example if you are adding in a section with policies, you might show this to show that there are documents attached.

Updated on 8th June 2020