
SUMS will provide you with the necessary web templates when you on board to enable your Web Developer to edit your website as needed.

There are a number of templates we can provide you with whilst you are using the SUMS platform, if there are any you can think of that you do not have access to, please email us at [email protected] and we will provide the relevant template for you where we can.

When you go into the ‘Templates’ area of the Website module, you will see a list of ‘Template Groups’, such as:

  • sign-in;
  • shop;
  • news

From here, you can:

  1. Remove’ a template group if you no longer require it. (Please note that this will remove all content on your website that has been created within this group, so ensure that this is empty/no longer required before deleting the group);
  2. You can ‘Modify’ the name of the template group if you wish, and also select whether or not you wish for the content within that template group to be your ‘Homepage’ (Please note that selecting a new template as your Homepage will take effect immediately and replace your previously chosen Homepage);
  3. Select the ‘Templates’ button to view all of the templates available for modification within that group.

You can ‘Remove’ a template from a group at any time if required, however, as stated above, please ensure that the template is either empty, or the content within the template is no longer required before deleting it.

When you go to ‘View/Edit a Page’, you will be able to:

  1. Change the ‘Name’ of the template, if you wish;
  2. Enter the ‘Content’ of the page (HTML);
  3. You can also select a previous ‘Revision’ of the page to compare to the content you are updating from the dropdown menu.

Note: Ensure you clickSave Changesto update the page with your adjustments.

SUMS will provide relevant support if you decide to utilise the Web Platform. If you have any queries at all, please email us at [email protected] and we shall be happy to help!

Created on 4th August 2021