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Ticket Creation

How do I create my tickets?

Tickets are created within the individual event dates as usual.

Begin by selecting from creating a ‘Single Ticket’, or a ‘Ticket Tier’ for those events that have multiple ticket types, such as VIP and Early-Bird.

See here for further guidance on how to create ticket tiers.

Single Tickets - Click ‘+Add Product’ to create a new ticket product; a pop-up will appear at the side of the screen for you fill out further information regarding your ticket product.

Basic Ticket Information

  1. Enter the Ticket Name
  2. Add a Ticket Caption (this will appear on the receipt and order confirmation)
  3. Enter the Fixed Price for your ticket if needed. If you are selling your ticket online, or you have a fixed price for your ticket, you will need to enter the price of your product here. However, if you would like to sell your product offline only (via your EPOS tills) and define the price at the point of sale, you can keep this option blank. This will allow you to enter the price you wish to sell the ticket for on your till prior to the customer completing their purchase
  4. Confirm the dates for which you wish the ticket to be on sale (these dates can be left blank if you wish the tickets to be available indefinitely)

Premium Upgrades

Here you can add additional upgrades to your ticket products. For example, you may wish to give out free drinks tokens or grant access to a VIP area of your event for those who have purchased a particular ticket.

Take a look at our guidance on Premium Upgrades for further information on what these can be used for, how you can create Premium Upgrades via Configuration and how these can be redeemed by your ticket holders.

You will be able to select any of the upgrades that you have created within Configuration to add to your ticket product.

When a ticket holder attends your event, their ticket can be scanned again via the Premium Upgrades scanner to confirm if they have any upgrades to redeem.

Shop Options

Here is where you will confirm how you wish to sell your tickets, your audience and any age restrictions:

  1. Select if there will be a Limited Number of Tickets available, and enter how many will be available for sale
  2. Enter your Ticket Details, which will be shown against your ticket product on your website/SU app
  3. Select where/how you want to sell your event ticket (you can select multiple options if you need):
    • Online - Sell your event ticket via your website/SU App
    • Offline - Sell your event ticket via your EPOS tills
    • Door Entry - Sell your event ticket via your EPOS tills when your till is in door entry mode
  4. Select who you would like to sell your event ticket to (you can select multiple options if you need):
    • Student Members - Requires members to either be logged in as a student to purchase the ticket (website/SU App), or requires their student card to be scanned via the till if purchasing a ticket offline
    • Associate Members - Requires members to be logged in as an associate to purchase the ticket (website/SU App), or requires the Associate ID to be selected on the till prior to purchase
    • Guest Members - Guest Member purchases can only be enabled for online ticket purchases that are being sold via a website that has a Public Login enabled (see here for further guidance on implementing a public login)
    • Public - Anyone who visits your website can purchase the ticket without being logged in, and you can sell public tickets via your tills without any requirements
  5. If you have assigned a Brand to your event, you can decide which of your event tickets can be sold by your Activities/Student Groups through their affiliation links
  6. Select if you would like to restrict the sales of your ticket to a report of members - you can then select the relevant report from the dropdown
  7. Confirm if you would like to Assign the Ticket to a Group (Activity/Student Group), and if you would like to restrict the sales of your ticket to this group only
  8. Select from the dropdown if you wish to apply an age restriction to your ticket product. If you apply an age restriction and a member attempts to purchase the product online, an error will appear when they try to add the product to their basket if they have not met the minimum age requirement (age restrictions will not have any impact on public purchases); Please note: If you do not allow members under the age of 18 to purchase any products sold via your website, a Gloabl Underage Check setting is available within System Configuration that can be applied to prevent this. The setting can be found under the Website section of your Settings.
  9. Tick if you would like the minimum age requirement to be checked during ticket scanning on the door (member tickets only)
  10. If you would like to hide your product when it is live and only allow customers to access this via a unique link, enter a bespoke URL within the Product Link box and select 'Hide Product'. When your product goes on sale and your event is published, this product won't be displayed for purchase, and instead must be accessed directly via the URL you have inputted to purchase the product
    Please note: Where an event date has only hidden products live, the 'Buy Tickets' button displayed (as per the standard SUMS web templates) will not be displayed. Please refer to the external developer documentation for further information.
  11. Enter a Maximum Number of Tickets per Transaction/Person if required
  12. Upload an Image that you would like to show on the product page of your website/SU app
  13. Select the relevant Product Category for your ticket product. These categories are created and managed via your EPOS module

Shop Finance

Within this section you can add your financial coding and any administration fees that may be applicable:

  1. Click the ‘Search’ button to find the correct Department for the ticket product
  2. Then select from the following dropdowns the relevant:
    1. Nominal code
    2. VAT code
    3. Financial Period
  3. Add a Project code/reference if this is applicable to you
  4. Select if you would like to Replenish Stock should any transactions be refunded
  5. Confirm if you would like to add an Administration Fee to the product and select the relevant fee type:
    1. Default (this will have been set for you within your Union’s database. If you do not believe that this has been set, or would like to adjust the default, please contact SUMS via [email protected]);
    2. Fixed – enter the fee amount in the field below;
    3. Percentage – enter the value in the field below;
  6. Select if you would also like to Add an Additional Administration fee - if this is ticked, the value of this product will also be included when calculating the basket administration fee in addition to any specific administration fee for this product
  7. Confirm if you would like to include a delivery fee against the product (see here for further guidance on setting global delivery fees).

Shop Rules

Here you can set any product rules you require, as well as restrict the sale of your ticket product to specific members:

  1. Search the relevant rules within the ‘Available Rules’ section and move those required to the ‘Chosen Rules’ section (see here for further guidance on product rules)
  2. Select if you would like purchasers to select a Student Group that they are a part of before purchasing the product. For example, if they are attending an awards ceremony and need to confirm which Group they are attending for/with
  3. If you only have a small number of members that should be able to purchase this product, you can select these members within the Member Restriction box. For example, you may have a special priced ticket that you are making available only to a handful of members


Within the Publish/Communications section you have a couple of options:

  1. Send Additional Email to purchasers - Enter the content of an additional email that you may wish to send to ticket purchasers
  2. Enter an additional description/information that you would like to appear alongside your ticket product on your website/SU App

Additional Options

Here you can select applicable reward cards for the event ticket:

  1. From here you can also set a subscription type, however this is unlikely to be required for ticket products
  2. Select from the list the relevant reward cards that you wish the ticket to be linked to (see here for further guidance on creating rewards).

Extra Capture Fields

Finally, select from the list if you require any extra capture fields against your ticket.

A link to the extra capture fields creation page is available, or see here for further guidance.

  1. From here you can also set a subscription type, however this won’t be required for ticket products;
  2. Select from the list the relevant reward cards that you wish the ticket to be linked to (see here for further guidance on creating rewards).

Once you are happy with your product, click ‘Submit’ to save and publish your tickets at the sale dates that you have set.

Updated 30th July 2024