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Ticket Tiers

Ticket Tiers can be utilised to facilitate events where various ticket types can be sold for a single event date.

Sales will be pulled from a pool of tickets defined by that event date’s maximum capacity, as opposed to setting a ticket limit on an individual basis.

How do I create a ticket tier?

Within your event date modification section, click ‘+ Add Tier’ to create a new tier and enter the following details: 1. Name of the tier; 2. Enter the maximum number of tickets available for all tickets within that tier; 3. Click ‘+Add Product’ and follow the standard ticket creation process; 4. Within ‘Shop Options’, ensure you add the number of products available from the central pot of tickets.

Why may I need to use a ticket tier?

Example 1

You have an event for which you need to create 3 different tickets:

  1. VIP Tickets
  2. Standard Tickets
  3. Concessionary Tickets

You have a total of 200 tickets to sell, 50 of which are VIP, the remainder of which can be either standard or concessionary.

In this instance, you do not want to restrict the sales of VIP tickets to 50, therefore any tickets not sold under VIP can be absorbed by the remaining ticket types. You will require 1 Ticket Tier.

  1. Set a maximum capacity of 200 when creating the event date itself – this will be the central pool of tickets;

  1. Within the date, select ‘Ticket Tier’ and enter an appropriate title;
  2. Set the maximum number of tickets you have for this tier as 200 (matching the capacity of the event date itself);
  3. Click ‘Add Product’ to create the following tickets:
    1. VIP Ticket – set the limited number of tickets as 50;
    2. Standard Ticket – do not set a limited number of tickets;
    3. Concessionary Ticket – do not set a limited number of tickets;
  4. When selling the above tickets, no more than 50 VIP tickets will be sold;
  5. The sales for the Standard and Concessionary tickets will simply pull from the remaining pool of 150 tickets, plus any VIP tickets that may not have been sold.

Therefore, should the sale of standard and concessionary sales be more successful, 175 of these ticket type could be sold if the 50 VIP tickets are not sold first.

Example 2

Identical event to the above, however you do want to restrict the sales of VIP tickets to 50, therefore any tickets not sold under VIP will not be absorbed by the remaining ticket types. You will require 2 Ticket Tiers.

In this instance, you will need to create a separate ticket tier for your VIP tickets. Create your event date and set your maximum limit as above, then create the following Ticket Tiers as per the guidance above:

Ticket Tier 1 – VIP Tickets: Set the maximum amount of tickets you have for this tier as 50.

  • Create 1 product and set the limited number of tickets as 50.

Ticket Tier 2 – Standard and Concessionary Tickets: Set the maximum amount of tickets you have for this tier as 150.

  • Create 2 products and do not set a limited number of tickets for either.

Example 3

You have an event for which you need to create 4 different tickets:

  1. VIP Tickets
  2. Early-Bird Tickets
  3. Standard Tickets
  4. Concessionary Tickets

You have a total of 500 tickets to sell:

  • 200 of these are VIP or Early-Bird
  • 300 of these are Standard or Concessionary

In this instance you do not want to limit sales per ticket, only restrict the number of sales per tier.

Once you have set the maximum capacity for your event date as 500, create 2 ticket tiers with the following products:

Ticket Tier 1 – VIP and Early-Bird Tickets: Set the maximum amount of tickets you have for this tier as 200.

  • Create 1 product for a VIP Ticket and do not set a limited number of tickets.
  • Create 1 product for a Early-Bird Ticket and do not set a limited number of tickets.

Ticket Tier 2 – Standard and Concessionary Tickets: Set the maximum amount of tickets you have for this tier as 300.

  • Create 1 product for a Standard Ticket and do not set a limited number of tickets.
  • Create 1 product for a Concessionary Ticket and do not set a limited number of tickets.

How can I view how many tickets have been sold in total within a tier?

When viewing ticket tiers within an event date, you will be able to view each tier and how many products in total have been sold, compared to the maximum number of products that has been set.

To view how many of each ticket has been sold within a tier, click the green ‘Modify’ button to view a full list of all products within that tier, and the number of tickets sold against the inventory that has been set for each.

Updated 2nd May 2023