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Events Dashboard

Everything you could possibly need for creating and managing your Union Events can be found within the main Events module, from your events calendar, areas of configuration and key statistics.


When you first enter the Events module, you have sight of an overview of the events for your entire union, including the total number of tickets sold and total ticket revenue.

You can use the date picker at the top of the page to identify key stats for your Freshers’ Weeks, events around elections season, and other key times within the academic year.

Not only that, but you will also have access to an overview of your upcoming, and most popular, events, with information on how many tickets have been sold, therefore how many attendees are expected.

From here you will also be able to select if you would like to show student group events, or simply view SU only events, making viewing the key events related to your role much easier!

Top Tip: Need easy access to key events? Quickly 'Pin' an event (from within the Event 'View' page) to add it alongside the upcoming and popular events!

Events Calendar

From the main Events dashboard you will also have access to the new and improved Events calendar. Discover improved filters and layouts to make viewing key events even easier!

Take a look at our events calendar guidance for further information!

Search Tickets

Should you need to find a specific ticket, this can be done via the ‘Search Tickets’ tab by searching via any of the following information:

  • Transaction or Student ID
  • Customer or Billing Name
  • Customer or Billing Postcode
  • Email Address
  • Phone Number

Please note: only tickets that have been purchased can be found using this method, as it searches for details linked to the transaction itself. If you need to find a ticket that has been allocated as opposed to purchased, these will need to be found via the specific event date, via the ‘Tickets’ option.

Event Configuration

Within the configuration tab you will be able to create and modify details relating to your events, including:

  • Venues
  • External Providers
  • Accessibility Information
  • Brands
  • …plus more!

Have a look at the events configuration guidance for further information!

Updated 17th September 2023