Events Calendar
Your Events calendar will be your one-stop-shop for viewing all events within your Union, from where you can modify any of your events, view events for the month or even the year and select from a range of filters available to tailor the calendar view to suit your role.
All of your events will be displayed with a tag to confirm the status of the event, and, if enabled, events will be colour coded based on the event type that it has been set against. Event type colours can be edited via the ‘Configuration’ section of the Events dashboard (see here for further guidance).
Calendar View
You are able to search for any event via the search bar at the top of the page.
Adjust the timescale in which you view your events by:
- Daily
- Weekly
- Monthly
- Annually
Alternatively, you can select the ‘Search’ tab at the top of the page to view your events as a list, from where you can view the basic information of your event dates and make further modifications.
Top Tip: all of your filter preferences will be saved for next time, so you don’t have to worry about setting these each time you view your calendar.
What filters are available?
The following filters are available for you to customise the events you view within the calendar:
- Event Title
- Event Types
- Categories
- Show Groups – display any events created by, or for a specific group, and select the relevant groups within the box below
- Calendar First Day - determine what day of the week you would like your calendar to start from
- External Promoters – search for a specific external promoter to filter all events that are linked to that promoter
Creating a New Event
You can create a new event by selecting the ‘Create Event’ button found at the top of your event calendar. This will navigate you to the key event creation page, guidance for which can be found here.
Viewing an Existing Event
You can view the basic information of your event, ticket products and associated event dates directly via the calendar. Simply click into the relevant event to pull out a viewable sidebar with information regarding your event.
Along with the basic details of your event, you will also be presented with the following statistics regarding ticket sales:
- Total (number of tickets) allocated
- Total percentage (of tickets sold)
- Total revenue
You will also be able to view additional information for the following areas (if applicable to that event):
- Event Information – including the event period, submission (creation) date, and approval information for events created via the Student Dashboard.
- Products – for each product linked to that event date you will be able to view their sale dates, how many tickets have been allocated, number of tickets remaining, percentage of inventory sold and the total revenue made so far
- Additional Event Dates – for each related event date you also have easy access to statistics relating to ticket sales and revenue.
Viewing and Modifying an Event
From here you will also have the options to ‘View’ and ‘Modify’ the event itself.
Selecting ‘Modify’ will navigate you to the original event creation form for you to edit any of the main event details.
Selecting ‘View’ will navigate you to an overview of the overarching event, from where you can view a range of statistics, plus add new and edit existing event dates and products.
From here, you can also access the following exciting new functionality released as part of the Events module refactor:
- Extended event and ticket statistics.
- Physical Ticket Printing.
- Accessing a guest list
- Creating free tickets
- Importing external ticket numbers
Updated 13th December 2024