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Event Creation

Creating your Events

Creating and managing your Events has never been easier with the newly refactored Events module!

The entire process has been reviewed to make creation and management more streamlined and user-friendly.

See below for full guidance on how you can create new events and event dates, as well as how to add and manage your ticket products.

How do I create an Event?

There are a few areas from where you can create new events:

Via the ‘Overview’ tab; simply click ‘+ Create’ (as shown below) to begin setting up a new event;

Via the ‘Calendar’ tab; simply click ‘+ Create Event’, or click into the date you wish to set up an event.

By 'Duplicating' an existing event - simply click 'View' alongside the relevant event and select the 'Duplicate' button to copy the event, including all dates and ticket products.

  1. Enter the following details to create your new event:
    1. Event Title;
    2. Start and End dates (if you are creating additional event dates within this overarching event, simply enter the dates for the first event to occur);
  2. Click ‘Submit’ and you will be taken to the main Event creation page, from where you can begin to enter the overarching details of your event.

Before you continue adding to your event, select from the Status section what you would like to happen when you submit your event (this can be changed at any point as you edit your event and dates):

  • Draft – the event will not yet be published and will only be accessible via the Events module to make modifications and publish
  • Publish Now – the event will be published and discoverable by anyone on the website, APIs, and search engines
  • Schedule and publish – enter your publish start and end dates and the event will be discoverable by anyone on the website, APIs, and search engines between the specified dates
  • Unlisted - this option will allow you to publish the event without it being shown publicly on your website or the SU App, the event can only be found by accessing the direct URL for this event's page on your website. This is a useful option if you would like to publish an event to allow ticket purchases but only allow those who you choose to view the event. If you need to find the URL of your event to pass onto customers, you can find this by selecting the 'View on Website' option within your parent event:

See here for further guidance on this feature.

You will be able to save the details of your event and make any modifications as many times as you need before publishing the final event.

As you begin to add the initial details of your event, an ‘Extended Form’ button will appear at the bottom of the page for you to access the additional areas available within event creation and modification. Alternatively, this section will automatically appear once the ‘Basic Information’ section has been completed.

Top Tip: make sure to have a look at the configuration guide to ensure all other pieces of information have been created, such as your venues, brands and accessibility information. Details that can be added via configuration will be marked with an asterisk.

Basic Information

Continue by adding the ‘Basic Details’ of your Event:

  1. Event Title – this can be adjusted if needed from the initial title you added when you created your event. If you have just 1 event date within your parent Event, an option will appear that will allow you to also update the name of your event date to reflect the changes you are making to the title;
  2. URL – this will automatically fill depending on the Event title, but can be changed if required;
  3. How would you categorise this event? - select from the drop down the relevant information:
    1. Type – select the relevant type or click ‘Add New’ if you need to create another; e.g. Social;
    2. Category – select the relevant category or click 'Add New’ if you need to create another; e.g. Comedy.
  4. Who is your event being organised by? - select from the dropdown who the event is being organised by:
    1. ‘Me’ – you, as the user;
    2. 'Group’ – if the event is being held by an Activity/Student Group, select this option and start typing in the name of the relevant group to find them within the dropdown.
    3. External Promoter* – if your event is being held by an External Promoter, select this option, and a dropdown box will appear underneath for you to select them.
  5. Is this a Premium Event? – marking an event as ‘Premium’ will push this event to the top of your events list within your website (marking multiple events as ‘Premium’ will prioritise them based on the order they are marked).

Show Advanced Options – select this option to complete any additional information regarding your event:

Please note: if you are continuing without any advanced options, ensure you save the information on the page by clicking the 'Save' button, which will be located at the bottom of the 'Basic Information' section.

  1. Which age group can access this event? – select from the dropdown the relevant option; e.g. 18+ (age restrictions can be created within the ‘Ages’ section of the Members module);
  2. Check Age? – if ticked, when members are scanned into an event, their age will be crossed checked with the minimum age you have chosen for your event. If the member is below the minimum age, a warning will display for information;
  3. Is this a Private Event? – select ‘Yes’ if you would like only certain users to be able to view and modify the event, and choose from the dropdown to which ‘Private Team’ you would like to grant access;
  4. Is the Event connected to a brand? - enhance your event by associating it with a specific brand, enabling groups to sell tickets on your behalf;
  5. Publish to External Provider? - this is to be used by Unions who utilise the integration with the Native Events platform.

Once you have completed the ‘Basic Information’ for your event, click ‘Save’ before moving onto the Additional Details

Additional Details

Start adding the additional information for your event, focusing on the details that will be available via your website and the SU App.

  1. Event Caption – add a caption to appear alongside your event on your website/SU App;
  2. Event Description – add a description to appear for your event on your website/SU App;
  3. 'Gallery' - add a range of images for your event, including:
    1. Thumbnail;
    2. Image;
    3. Header Image;
    4. App Thumbnail.


You can now start adding and modifying your individual event dates and get started creating your event tickets.

Please note: an entry will already be available for the initial dates you entered as part of your basic event setup.

A new even date can be created in one of 3 ways:

  1. Dates Tab – Once you have created your event, a dedicated dates tab will display. Create a new event date by selecting the ‘+ Add Date’ button.
  2. Duplicate Event Date – Within the ‘Dates’ tab, locate the event that you would like to duplicate. Select the blue ‘Duplicate’ button alongside the chosen event. Once duplicated this will copy the event and will show in the ‘Dates’ section. This will pull through all details within that date, including any tickets created.
  3. Recurring Event – If your event is a regular event, you are able to easily set up recurring event dates based on an existing date, which will duplicate however many recurrences you have set.

Select ‘Yes’ under 'Is this a recurring event?' and confirm the following:

  1. ‘Template’ – select from the dropdown which existing event date you would like to use as the first/foundation date for your recurrences;
  2. Confirm if you would like the event to repeat on a daily, weekly, monthly or annual basis, and how often;
  3. Then limit your recurrences based on either number of occurrences, or set an end date;
  4. Click ‘Submit’ to create your recurring event dates (you will then be able to modify the details of the individual dates that have just been created within the ‘Dates’ section as listed above).

Once you have created your new event date, confirm the following information:

  1. Adjust the 'Name' of the event date if required. If you are editing the only event date held within a parent Event, an option will appear that will allow you to also update the name of your parent event to reflect the changes you are making to the title;
  2. Confirm the 'Start' and 'End Dates';
  3. 'Doors Open' – if applicable, enter the time that doors will open for the event;
  4. 'Soundcheck At' – if applicable, enter a time for a soundcheck that may be going ahead prior to the event;
  5. 'Venue' – select the venue from the dropdown;
  6. If you are selling tickets externally, enter an 'External Tickets URL'
  7. Enter the 'Maximum Capacity' for the event, or leave unchecked for an unlimited capacity.

How do I create my tickets?

Tickets are created within the individual event dates as usual.

Begin by selecting from creating a ‘Single Ticket’, or a ‘Ticket Tier’ for those events that have multiple ticket types, such as VIP and Early-Bird.

See here for guidance on how to create your ticket products.

Further Ticket and Event Date Configuration

Once you have created your tickets, you will also be able to select from the following:

Do you want to give people free entry to your event on their birthday?

Select if you would like to grant free entry to the event for members on their birthday, and select from the dropdown the report you have created to facilitate this.

Do you want Groups to help sell your tickets? (Buy Back*)

If you use the Buy Back functionality within your Union, you can confirm how much income from the ticket goes back to a Group based on the numbers of members of the group that attended the event.

You are able to set individual values for each of your event dates, should you wish to allocate an increased value for more high-profile event dates.


Alternatively, if you would like to set a recurring event as opposed to creating individual event dates, select ‘Yes’ and confirm the following:

  1. ‘Template’ – select from the dropdown which existing event date you would like to use as the first/foundation date for your recurrences;
  2. Confirm if you would like the event to repeat on a daily, weekly, monthly or annual basis, and how often;
  3. <Then limit your recurrences based on either number of occurrences, or set an end date;
  4. Click ‘Submit’ to create your recurring event dates (you will then be able to modify the details of the individual dates that have just been created within the ‘Dates’ section as listed above).


Finally, you will be able to add information relating to accessibility for your event, such as information regarding wheelchair access or loud music:

  1. Click ‘Add Item’;
  2. Select an accessibility ‘Type’ from the dropdown_;_
  3. Add any additional information regarding the accessibility type that you may need to confirm, such as requesting any attendees to contact the SU ahead of the event if this applies to them;
  4. Once added, you can modify or remove an item at any time.

Updated 30th May 2024